Chats SummerCamp2019 Individual

Black Hat USA 2019 Event Coverage | A Conversation With Stephanie “Snow” Carruthers

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

I happen to know some of the more skilled social engineers in the cybersecurity industry, and during Hacker Summer Camp 2019, Sean Martin and I were invited to meet one of the best.

You probably know her. She goes by the handle @sn0ww. This is her story.

Do you want to hear it? Of course, you do. No, really, you do. You don’t want to be the only one not listening to it, do you?

Go ahead, type your in your SSN, and click play... 🔥😇😈🔥

Black Hat USA 2019 Event Coverage | A Conversation With Charity Wright

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

No doubt, we are living interesting times—full of incredible technological advancements and achievements. Yet, we still get to see the other side of the picture—cybercrime at its worst.

The dark web is peaking on a global scale. Last year, there were over 4 million users on TOR, and, with that, we are seeing some other “interesting” trends. It’s these trends which lead us to our second conversation with Charity—this time during Black Hat 2019.

Chats On The Road To Hacker Summer Camp 2019 | DEF CON 27 — Policymakers | A Conversation With Meg King and Beau Woods

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

Black and blue, and who knows which is which, and who is who?

It is a matter of perspective and a matter of time — and given the right knowledge, these usually change together. Don't they? What is at stake and what we are fighting for can change yesterday's foe into tomorrow's best ally. But what about today?

I believe that today in technology and infosec, we are at the crossroad where Sean and I have been waiting for a few years now. Exactly 4 years ago, when we founded ITSPmagazine, we did it because we wanted to have the conversation that media, politicians, business owners, technology experts, and politicians were not having yet - and, most still don't.

How To Protect Your Data, Devices, and Privacy During Hacker Summer Camp

By Marija Atanasova

#HackerSummerCamp is almost upon us. A plethora of security conferences — Black Hat, BSides, DEF CON, Queercon, Wicked6 Games, The Diana Initiative, and so much more — are all happening in Las Vegas on the same week (Aug 3 - 11).

With the infosec community about to overtake the city in a few days, how are hackers and civilian attendees protecting their data, devices and privacy during the conference? This guide provides you with a few tips.

Chats On The Road To Hacker Summer Camp 2019 | DEF CON 27 | A Conversation With Jeff Moss

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

In 1993 according to Timeline of Computer History, we have a few major events:

Doom and Myst are released, Jurassic Park is released, Wired Magazine debuts, Apple ships the first Newton, Free BSD is launched, Gopher Stumbles, Intel Pentium microprocessor is released, Microsoft Windows NT is released, Mosaic popularize the web, online ads kicks off the commercialization of the web.

You know what else happened in 1993? A person that goes by the handle @thedarktangent created the first DEF CON hacker convention. This is his story about the past, present, and future of hacker cons.