Chats On The Road To Hacker Summer Camp 2019 | DEF CON 27 | A Conversation With Jeff Moss

Chats On The Road To Def Con 27 | Jeff Moss.jpeg

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin 

During our Hacker Summer Camp 2019 coverage in Las Vegas, we connect with keynote speakers, presenters, panelists, organizers, and the InfoSec community to keep the conversation going. This is one of those chats.

ITSPmagazine coverage, podcasts, webcasts, articles, and all our happenings during Hacker Summer Camp 2019 in Las Vegas is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors. We are ever so grateful for your support.

Have a story to share and want to join us for the journey? We invite you to discover the benefit of the full coverage sponsorship and let us know if you are interested in joining us for our adventures. We look forward to another exciting conference.

In 1993 according to Timeline of Computer History, we have a few major events:

Doom and Myst are released, Jurassic Park is released, Wired Magazine debuts, Apple ships the first Newton, Free BSD is launched, Gopher Stumbles, Intel Pentium microprocessor is released, Microsoft Windows NT is released, Mosaic popularize the web, online ads kicks off the commercialization of the web.

Damn! That was a long time ago but if you think that what is happening today is awesome, I thing you missed out on the excitement of those days. Everything that now seems so easy, obvious, and maybe a bit vintage by now was showing us that the future was possible and was going to change our society and culture forever. It did.

But you know what else happened in 1993? A person that goes by the handle @thedarktangent created the first DEF CON hacker convention, based around a party for members of a Fido hacking network in Canada. Then, in 1997, he created Black Hat Briefings, a computer security conference that brings together a variety of people interested in information security — based on some chatter on Twitter and our poking around this area during today’s podcast … that might be the subject for a separate conversation.

Sean Martin and I had the pleasure of having a conversation with this person — yes, of course, we are talking about Jeff Moss - to debut our pre-event coverage of DEF CON 27 that has already become a beloved tradition for us.

We could have easily beat the record for the longest podcast because there was no lack of interesting topics and fascinating points of view to uncover while talking to Jeff. But, we had to keep it short and publish it for you all to hear.

We spoke about:

  • The history and future of DEF CON

  • The difference between the concept of hacking and InfoSec

  • The importance of globalization and the need for a boundary-less hacking community

  • The experience of bringing DEF CON to China and other countries

  • And of course, what is on tap this year for DEF CON 27

    • The multi-venue event

    • Some of the new villages

    • The new multi-room club for after-con activities

We even spoke about the surprise electronic badges—we cannot tell you too much about them though … just enough to get you excited

Listen up. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we enjoyed having it.