Black Hat USA 2019 Event Coverage | A Conversation With Charity Wright

Black Hat 2019 Event Coverage | A Conversation With Charity Wright.jpeg

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

During our Hacker Summer Camp 2019 coverage in Las Vegas, we connect with keynote speakers, presenters, panelists, organizers, and the InfoSec community to keep the conversation going. This is one of those chats.

ITSPmagazine event coverage, podcasts, webcasts, articles, and all our happenings before, during, and following Hacker Summer Camp 2019 in Las Vegas is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors. We are ever so grateful for your support.

If it seems like just a few weeks ago that we were in Singapore speaking with Charity Wright — it was 😬

During that conversation, we spoke about Charity’s research regarding the social, political, and even economical consequences of the new Vietnam cyber security laws—which basically censored the Internet for its citizens. As a side effect, it prompted many citizens to enter the dark web, thereby creating a ripple effect and an expansion of illegal activities of all sorts.

No doubt, we are living interesting times—full of incredible technological advancements and achievements. Yet, we still get to see the other side of the picture—cybercrime at its worst.

The dark web is peaking on a global scale. Last year, there were over 4 million users on TOR, and, with that, we are seeing some other “interesting” trends. It’s these trends which lead us to our second conversation with Charity—this time during Black Hat 2019.

We're continuing a story that we started in Singapore and are bringing it to the next level

This story is about Russia—where the Dark Web started in 1997. We look at their Sovereign Internet Laws, an open vs. closed Internet, and some utopia vs. dystopia scenarios. We also look at democracy, geopolitics, freedom vs. security, and a lot of fun stuff in between.

Listen up. Money back if you do not like this conversation. 😳