The Focus on Community and Empathy-Driven Culture Behind BlackCloak's Success in Attracting Passionate Professionals | A BlackCloak Brand Story with Chris Pierson, Matt Covington, and Ryan Black

In this BlackCLoak Brand Story, hosts Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli engage in an in-depth conversation with Founder Chris Pierson, Chief Information Security Officer Ryan Black, and Product Manager Matt Covington. The discussion explores the company’s dedication to protecting security and privacy for CISOs, executives, and high-net-worth individuals.

The episode kicks off with Martin and Ciappelli extending a warm welcome to Pierson, Black, and Covington while highlighting the mission-driven approach of BlackCloak. Pierson elaborates on BlackCloak’s unique focus on protecting not just organizations but also extending security measures to the personal lives of executives and their families. This connection underscores the significance of safeguarding home environments, which are increasingly becoming targets for cyberattacks.

Covington shares his intriguing journey from having a master's degree in literary theory to becoming involved in cybersecurity, emphasizing the importance of empathy in product development. He explains how BlackCloak's technology seeks to scale its services efficiently by automating repetitive tasks, thereby allowing their experts to focus on critical problem-solving for clients.

Throughout the conversation, Ryan Black describes the flexible, personalized concierge service that BlackCloak offers, aimed at addressing the unique security needs of individuals outside the corporate framework. He emphasizes that their approach goes beyond traditional enterprise security, focusing on protecting personal devices and networks that executives use at home.

The episode also touches on the emotional and psychological aspects of cybersecurity, illustrating how personal experiences with phishing attacks have driven both Black and Covington in their professional paths. The hosts and guests also discuss the personal side of cybersecurity, addressing behavioral vulnerabilities and the integration of user-friendly technology in personal security measures.

Finally, the session highlights the collaborative and proactive culture at Black Cloak, where team members are committed to going above and beyond to protect their clients. This episode offers listeners valuable insights into how BlackCloak is pioneering an empathetic and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity.


Chris Pierson, Founder and CEO of BlackCloak [@BlackCloakCyber]
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Ryan Black, Chief Information Security Officer, BlackCloak [@BlackCloakCyber]

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Matt Covington, VP of Product, BlackCloak [@BlackCloakCyber]

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