Cloud Modernization Strategies | What Does Your Data Transformation Journey Look Like | An Imperva Story with Ron Bennatan

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Imperva executives

We live in a world where the only constant is change. We’ve managed to survive by anticipating and following the changes to our business models, data models, and threat models. Have we done a decent job bringing our business to the cloud thus far? What about where we head to next?

This is a 2-part podcast series with Imperva executives. The series will explore the past, present, and future paths organizations have and will need to take to the cloud with a data security model and solution designed to handle constant growth and change.

Now… please join us as we join you on this journey you’ve already begun.

Note: This story contains promotional content. Learn more.

Episode 1: Everything About Your Data Has Changed — Has Your Journey To The Cloud Kept Up?

Ron Bennatan, General Manager, Data Security at Imperva

It may be hard to believe, but data doesn’t just magically appear; it is generated by apps, services, AND, well, all of it, by humans. Storage systems and databases do not magically show up on the scene either; they have to be built and hosted to handle the scenarios encapsulated in the business requirements, desired user experience, and data security and privacy policies. Then business teams have to bring this stuff online—and security teams have to protect it and, ultimately, the business.

This is just the short version of the story but you can see that it is a lot of work, and it took us some time to get to where we are now: this cyber society where data has become the thread that keeps it all together and intrinsic to the existence of our modern way of life.

One more thing, it mutates—constantly. Over the years, apps and services have changed: built, deployed, hosted, and maintained. The infrastructure has also changed, including the storage methods and the location(s) of the data sets in use.

And we go back to the humans, those that built the technology, feed it with data—the data that they create—and then become the users of it. So their user experience demands and habits also mutate—constantly. And the circle continues.

In between all of this came cybersecurity, business value, society, risks, and opportunities in the cloud. How is that for a change?

So we agree now? Nothing is magic.

Well, except for this conversation with Ron Bennatan. It will make you think and look at data and how to manage it and protect it from different perspectives.

Thinking—now that is magic.

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Episode 2: Overcoming The Business Challenges Of Today As You Prepare For Your Cloud-Enabled Future

Ron Bennatan, General Manager, Data Security at Imperva

So, you're making a move to bring your business to the cloud. But, do you do it as a slow dribble, or are you going "all in" with a mad rush to transition everything to cloud-enabled systems and processes? Either way, you have some things you need to consider.

First and foremost, it's all about the opportunities; what is possible for the business with a move to a new technology stack; what process can be developed, modified, or perhaps even eliminated? This isn't limited to today's tech stack — the future holds a lot of promise if you have a strategy and a plan that leverages the right platforms for the right things and if all the above is thought with security in mind.  

If you are wondering what all this could look like, you're in luck. Our guest, Ron Bennatan, has a view into where things might go.

Next, you can't ignore the fact that your people are behind this effort; what do they need to know as they prepare for this transition, do the work, and then manage the new environment once they are done? Can they make the transition as they bring the company on that journey? It's this team — either the one you have now or the one you'll need to staff in the future — that will make this all possible. 

Ron has some thoughts on this topic as well. 

It is time to look at the future of the human element in the cloud.

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