February 24 - 28, 2020 | Moscone Center | 747 Howard Street | San Francisco, California 94103 | Learn More
Our RSA Conference 2020 coverage was made possible by the generosity of our sponsors.
We are ever so grateful for your support!
RSA Conference USA 2020
Yes, of course, we had another road trip full of incredible events, podcasts, webcasts, and all sorts of conversations—all At The Intersection Of Technology, Cybersecurity, and Society.
Traditional Daily Recaps from all over the place throughout the Moscone Center.
Everyday, we invited a select handful of people to join us to talk about what happened, what is happening, and what isn’t. As you have seen from previous years, we aim to have some fun as we update you directly from the #RSAC2020 floor. Our guests didn’t disappoint us this year. Watch or listen—the choice is yours!
Day Four with Malia Mason, Jessica Bair, and Neil “Grifter” Wyler
Prefer a podcast? Have a listen.
Day Three with Thom Langford, Andrea Frost, Javvad Malik, and Chris Pierson
Prefer a podcast? Have a listen.
Day Two with Steve Schlarman, Allison Ockerbloom, and MK Palmore
Prefer a podcast? Have a listen.
Day One with Alyssa Miller, Mark Albertson, and Caroline Wong
Prefer a podcast? Have a listen.
Be Sure To Listen to our Pre-event Podcasts: Our Famous Chats On The Road To RSAC San Francisco 2020.
Podcasts recorded with organizers, keynotes, and speakers to prepare you for what will be coming.
#1 What to expect during RSA Conference San Francisco 2020?
A conversation with Linda Gray Martin (Sr. Director & General Manager, RSA Conference) and Britta Glade (Director, Content and Curation at RSA Conference)
#2 Presenting the Ally of the Year Awards 2020 Celebration.
A conversation with Carmen Marsh (Organizer) and Jessica Robinson (Committee Member)
#3 The Impact of the Human Element on Geopolitics and CyberSecurity.
A conversation with Juliette Kayyem. Professor, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government
Catch us on video with a variety of guests in the RSAC Broadcast Alley and in the RSA Conference SOC.
At The Edge | What Happened In The SOC At RSA Conference 2020
with Jessica Bair And Neil Wyler
At the Edge | A CISO Panel with Sean Martin
with Deborah Blyth, Nils Puhlman, and Laz
The Cyber Society | What Makes A City Smart? The Technology Or The People?
with Remi Cohen and Lan Jenson
The Future of the Future | When Humans and Robots Co-Exist
with Sara Boddy and Jason Elrod
The Academy | Hackers Rights: When Breaking the (current) Law Doesn’t Mean Breaking the Rules
with Chloé Messdaghi, Jeff Boothby, and Tanner Emek
The Academy | State Of Cyber Education Awareness
with Angel Grant and Andrew Woodward
The Academy | Diversity's Impact On Business And Security Strategies
with Angel Grant and Chloé Messdaghi
Many Their Stories Podcasts with our sponsors.
These will be recorded before, during, and after the event—many have been published and can be found below on this page. You can also find these and all of the other Their Story segments we’ve recorded here. If you want to tell your story with us AND attach your brand to our RSAC Coverage activities, you can learn more here.
Ally of the Year Awards 2020 Celebration
AYA 2020 Celebration in San Francisco on February 23, 2020
We came together to celebrate allies who work to advance equality and make a substantive difference for women in technology.
ITSPmagazine was nominated as one of the three finalists for the media award and we couldn’t possibly be more proud. Thank you for all who voted for us — and a big applause to all the other finalists in all categories. We are very grateful to also announce that we were selected as the winner of the Media Ally category. Thanks to everyone that supports our efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive InfoSec community and Cyber Society!
P.S. *A Chats on the Road podcast is here!

Winners of the 2020 AYA Awards: InfoSec Girls, Nathan Chung, ITSPmagazine, Cybrary, McAfee, Kathleen Smith, WiCyS, Adam Benson
Expert Conversations Filmed In The RSA Conference Broadcast Alley and the RSA Conference SOC
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Remi Cohen And Lan Jenson
If you are old enough or enjoy "vintage" cartoons, you may be familiar with The Jetsons—a 1960s/1980s TV show about a family living in a futuristic place called Orbit City. The architecture is Googie style, technology is absolutely everywhere, and all homes and businesses are high up in the sky supported by very tall columns. No need, in this conversation, to dig into the possible environmental or societal catastrophe that may have forced this solution. And, let's keep it as a joke about how that, in the year 2020, there is no such city; and why we are not living that life?
There isn’t a single answer, as this is—just like with every other technological topic—both a global conversation that has the common thread of development and well-being of humanity…and a local conversation with as many different angles that are defined by the cultural diversities, various needs, and short/medium-term goals we may find in different parts of the globe.
In this session, we spoke about surveillance, privacy, safety, IoT, resilient ecosystems, education, and the roles of individuals, communities, nonprofit groups, governments, businesses, and all decision-makers that must come together to drive this change. All of this in the interest of those that will ultimately either be damaged or could benefit from the present and future smart city transformation: the citizens.
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Angel Grant And Chloé Messdaghi
Does your business and security strategy include diversity and inclusion? No? It might be time to go back to the drawing board.
If you are reading this, I am assuming you are human. As a human being, I am also going to think that we share many traits—both physical and behavioral. I am also going to assume that we are very, very different people.
One thing that we tend to forget is that what makes humanity so special is the incredible diversity of which it is made.
In this conversation, we are going to focus on the value of diversity for our industry—cybersecurity—and we will leave the anthropological, sociological, and philosophical discussions for another time, and another place.
Chloé Messdaghi and Angel Grant joined us during RSA Conference to discuss the value of diversity and inclusion as a means to build strong teams, products, and solutions—and to attempt to understand why, at the same time, it represents such a big problem for so many.
If you are interested in understanding why diversity and inclusion are one of the most significant values for your company and your team, how you can make it part of your hiring process, how to leverage it in your day-to-day operations, then this is going to be a conversation worth your time. If you're not interested, you may not get the results otherwise possible.
Either way, stay open-minded and enjoy it.
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Angel Grant And Andrew Woodward
In this conversation, we discuss the role of education in building the next generation of the workforce for the cybersecurity field and how companies and universities can work together to achieve the same goal. Ultimately with better results.
“Companies are made of people” is an old saying that too often we tend to forget, just as we forget that people also build the technology and are ultimately responsible for the future of this and the CyberSecurity industry. As the Digital Revolution keeps moving forward at an oft-restless pace, the roles are becoming more interconnected and so new careers, new educational programs, and new work backgrounds must include skills not even considered relevant a few years ago.
The talent gap is real but is not just an industry gap; it is also an educational institution gap that can be filled with being creative, open-minded, practical, diversity-oriented programs; educating new generations with a mindset of lifelong learning attitude will also prove valuable.
We discuss this and much more, with our guests. And, as it often happens at ITSPmagazine, this conversation starts and ends with the human element. If you are human, we invite you to listen up, and enjoy!
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Sara Boddy and Jason Elrod
Fortunately, for this chat, we have a wide range of experience and wisdom from our guests—Sara Boddy and Jason Elrod—as we can look at the capabilities and risks these technologies bring to the table, coupled with how we will need to adapt to a world where we will share tasks—and associated responsibilities—with things that are not human.
Where do we end up in 5 years? Ten years? Beyond that?
This is not about a robot that can clean the floor; this is about moving towards a society where robotics and AI will enable us to extend our humanity beyond the limits of our current human capabilities. A full-scale deployment is not to close, but robotics and AI are among us as we type, and the big revolution may happen sooner than we are ready.
This is why we need these conversations—many of them.
Intrigued? Yeah, me too—and I was there.
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Jessica Bair and Neil Wyler
During this exclusive behind-the-scenes interview, Sean and Marco chat with Jessica Bair from Cisco and Neil Wyler (aka Grifter) from RSA Security about the connection between the human element and the technology—along with the collaboration between teams, technology, and intelligence.
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Chloé Messdaghi, Tanner Emek, and Jeff Boothby
In today's conversation, we are joined by Chloé Messdaghi, Tanner Emek, and Jeff Boothby as we take a direct view into the role and the impact that current laws and a lack of understanding outside of the InfoSec industry can have—and does have—on the ethical hackers' lives… and, ultimately, in our society.
We must recognize that ethical hackers aren't cybercriminals—the work that they do matters. As we look for ways to protect our homes, our cars, the stores where we shop—and we want to have a safe Internet as well—we must come to terms with the reality that hackers are part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Not convinced? Have a listen and decide for yourself.
Hosts: Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
Guests: Laz, Deborah Blyth, and Nils Puhlmann
This is a conversation I’ve been dreaming about having for quite a while myself. My dream finally came true as Laz, Deborah Blyth, and Nils Puhlmann—current and former CISOs—joined us to look at the role, their teams, their processes, their technologies, the culture, and so much more.
CISOs are humans too—and they dream just like the rest of us. The question is: what do they dream about? Let’s find out.
Chats on the Road to San Francisco 2020
As part of our RSA Conference USA 2020 coverage, we hit the road—Marco and Sean made their way to San Francisco to connect with a number of the RSAC organizers, keynote speakers, presenters, panelists, and more. This time by plane.
During these conversations, we got a sneak peek into what they planned to share at the conference as well as a glimpse into their backgrounds and some additional insight on the topics they are passionate about as cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance professionals.
These are the chats — enjoy!
By Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
As the former Secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, our guest today, Juliette Kayyem, has probably seen some things that most people and organizations would have serious nightmares about. And, to open up our conversation, she tells that she thinks about really scary stuff all the time and now tries to help others identify and reduce the risk of the bad things happening.
If you listen carefully, you will realize that your InfoSec journey doesn’t have to feel like an old, run-down rollercoaster. Listen to this podcast with Juliette to get some insights on what it takes to protect ourselves, our businesses, and our society, as she prepares to take the keynote stage at RSA Conference 2020 with Admiral James Stavridis.
By Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
The AYA 2020 Celebration in San Francisco takes place on Sunday, February 23, 2020. Please join us in celebrating allies who work to advance equality and make a substantive difference for women in technology.
To kick our celebratory coverage off for this event, we have the pleasure of chatting with the event’s leader, Carmen Marsh, along with one AYA committee member and judge, Jessica Robinson.
We are honored to be part of and to support this event as it shows that it is the numbers that make us stronger—all of us working together can bring the positive change we need.
Ultimately, as Jessica points out, it’s about making an impact—taking this from conversation to action—taking this from action to positive impact. We can get there. Join us!
By Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli
The theme for this year’s RSA Conference, which our podcast guests are going to tell us all about, is one that's right up our alley here on ITSPmagazine—The Human Element. And, there's a lot going on during the week of RSAC, all designed to help educate and connect the InfoSec professional and community as they look to arm themselves to be successful in their roles and happy and healthy in their InfoSec lives.
During our chat, in addition to hearing about the decision to select the human element as this year’s theme, we also get additional insights from them regarding what the conference attendees should expect, including:
- Some keynote session picks
- Some Learning Lab picks
- What the Engagement Zone is all about
- College Day and other programs for students of nearly all ages
So, what are you waiting for? Have a listen to Linda and Britta to learn more—then join us and the rest of the community in San Francisco.
Additional RSA Conference San Francisco 2020 Coverage Support by:
RSA Conference 2020 Photo Gallery
Are you feeling nostalgic? This is the recap of what happened last year…
Their Story Podcasts From RSA Conference 2020
We love helping people and companies tell their stories. Of course, we don’t have unlimited bandwidth to do this all the time for all of the companies out there — so we must be selective. These are the stories that these companies really wanted to share with our audience. We hope you enjoy them!
If you have a story of your own to share, we can help you to make that happen.
RSAC 2020 San Francisco Conference News and Coverage by ITSPmagazine
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