State of Cyber Education Awareness | RSA Conference 2020 | With Angel Grant And Andrew Woodward

State of Cyber Education Awareness | With Angel Grant and Andrew Woodward.png

By Sean Martin &  Marco Ciappelli

During our RSA Conference USA 2020 coverage in San Francisco, we connect with keynote speakers, presenters, panelists, organizers, and the InfoSec community to keep the conversation going. This is one of those chats.

The State of Cyber Education Awareness.

In this conversation, we discuss the role of education in building the next generation of the workforce for the cybersecurity field and how companies and universities can work together to achieve the same goal. Ultimately with better results.

“Companies are made of people” is an old saying that too often we tend to forget, just as we forget that people also build the technology and are ultimately responsible for the future of this and the CyberSecurity industry. As the Digital Revolution keeps moving forward at an oft-restless pace, the roles are becoming more interconnected and so new careers, new educational programs, and new work backgrounds must include skills not even considered relevant a few years ago.

The talent gap is real but is not just an industry gap; it is also an educational institution gap that can be filled with being creative, open-minded, practical, diversity-oriented programs; educating new generations with a mindset of lifelong learning attitude will also prove valuable.

We discuss this and much more, with our guests:

- Andrew Woodward Executive Dean of the School of Science at Edith Cowan University - Angel Grant, Director of Digital Risk Solutions at RSA Security

As it often happens at ITSPmagazine, this conversation starts and ends with the human element.

If you are human, we invite you to listen up, and enjoy!

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