Chats on the Road to RSAC 2019 | Tales of a Teenage Security Supergirl | With Kyla Guru

By Sean Martin and Selena Templeton

In today’s chat, Sean and Selena connect with Kyla Guru, 16-year-old founder and CEO of Bits N’ Bytes Cybersecurity Education, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and equipping citizens — young and old — with the cybersecurity skills needed to help prevent future cyber-attacks. Get ready to be inspired by Kyla and follow her lead to take action, beginning with the future generation of InfoSec professionals!

Chats on the Road to RSAC 2019 | Solving the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage | With Jim Gordon of Intel

By Selena Templeton

Welcome to a new episode of ITSPmagazine’s 2019 “Chats on the Road to RSA Conference,” a series of podcasts leading up to the annual conference in San Francisco. Today’s guest is Jim Gordon, GM of Security Ecosystem Strategy & Development at Intel, who gives us a sneak peek into his Solving Our Cybersecurity Talent Shortage panels, including his 3 “Be This” rules to D&I success, why this issue is important to him, a white male, and who should attend.

Chats on the Road to RSAC 2019 | Cybersecurity Starts With Mental Security | With Ryan Louie

By Sean Martin

Mental health is a topic we care deeply about at ITSPmagazine and we were thrilled to have the chance to connect with Ryan Louie, a board-certified Psychiatrist focusing on the psychiatry of entrepreneurship and the mental health impact of cybersecurity, to get a sneak peek into his interactive session on this very topic during RSA Conference 2019.

Thom’s Tremendously Titillating Tour to Tirelessly Train Towards The Tactical Triumph

Itineraries on the Road to RSA Conference 2019 | By Thom Langford

RSA Conference 2019 has a lot of great keynotes and sessions presented by some of the world’s top leaders in information security and privacy. Our good friend, Thom Langford, will be attending RSAC 2019 to not only take in these sessions, but to meet with friends, colleagues, and interesting random strangers. Because that is what RSAC is really about: meeting, networking and swapping ideas and opinions in real time.

Data Privacy Day 2019 | A Recap In Pictures

The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) put on another incredible Data Privacy Day event comprised of a number of panels and presentations and even some live audience engagement, including some questions from our own Sean Martin. As a proud media partner for this important event, ITSPmagazine’s Sean Martin captured some pictures and put out a few tweets as well.

Seeking New Opinions, Innovations, And Unpolished Ideas At RSA Conference

Itineraries on the Road to RSA Conference 2019 | By Fred Wilmot

RSA Conference 2019 is a dissemination point for executives, policy makers and practitioners collecting ideas, best practices and validated methods to take home and use in your own house. In this itinerary, Fred Wilmot from Devo shares a list of sessions designed to seek out the gems, talented new opinions, and maybe innovative, unpolished ideas found at conferences such as these.

January 28 is Data Privacy Day. The remaining 364 days of the year are Data Privacy Days

By Marco Ciappelli | Co-host Sean Martin
A conversation with NCSA Executive Director Kelvin Coleman

What’s the title of today’s story?

Data Privacy Day 2019 Reminds Businesses and Consumers About the Value of Personal Data and the Need to Protect It

In this new era of privacy, the National Cyber Security Alliance will underscore the value of personal information by informing businesses about the critical need to respect consumer privacy and safeguard data.

Chats on the Road to RSAC 2019 | Patrick Heim And Richard Seiersen | What You Can Learn At The Innovation Sandbox

By Sean Martin | Co-host Marco Ciappelli

In today’s chat, Marco Ciappelli and Sean Martin connect with Patrick Heim, Operating Partner and Chief Information Security Officer for ClearSky ventures and Richard Seiersen, author, startup advisor, and former LendingClub CISO, to learn more about this year’s Innovation Sandbox during RSA Conference 2019.

Chats on the Road to RSAC 2019 | Solving the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage at RSA Conference 2019

By Selena Templeton | Co-Hosts Marco Ciappelli and Sean Martin

Welcome to the first episode of ITSPmagazine’s 2019 “Chats on the Road to RSA Conference,” a series of podcasts leading up to the annual conference in San Francisco in which we connect with conference organizers, speakers, presenters and panelists. Today’s guest is Karen Worstell, CEO of W Risk Group, to chat about her new “Solving Our Cybersecurity Talent Shortage” seminar at RSA Conference 2019.