InfoSec Europe 2019

Chats From InfoSec Europe 2019 | A Conversation With Javvad Malik

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

Why do we go to conferences?

To meet fantastic people, create great content, and tell entertaining stories. Sometimes it all happens at the same time.

This was one of those occasions.

We hope you enjoy listening to this chat as much as we enjoyed having it.

Chats From InfoSec Europe 2019 | A conversation With Troy Hunt

By Marco Ciappelli & Sean Martin

It was a bright, cold day in June, and the clocks were striking thirty past nine in the morning. On this last day on the Olympia show floor in London, after a few unsuccessful attempts, Sean and I were finally able to say hi, sit down, and have a good ole chat with Troy Hunt while we sipped on a cup of hot coffee. Yes, a podcast with Mr. Troy Hunt!