Official Launch Of The Cyber Ireland Cluster | County Cork


By Sean Martin

Guests: Eoin Byrne, Jacky Fox, Pat Larkin

Lead by IDA Ireland with support from Enterprise Ireland and in collaboration with academia, industry, and government, Cyber Ireland officially launched on 20 May, 2019 as the official establishment of a National Cyber Security Cluster in Ireland, hosted at Cork Institute of Technology.

While we were there, ITSPmagazine’s Sean Martin interviewed a few of the board members for a podcast to be hosted on our column focused on talent and skills, The Academy. We also captured some pictures from the event (in the gallery below).


This episode of The Academy is made possible by the generosity of our sponsor:


The Academy Podcast with Cyber Ireland Board Members

Recently, I had the opportunity to be part of the official launch of Cyber Ireland in Cork. Following the event, I was able to spend a few minutes with Dr. Eoin Byrne, Cyber Ireland’s cluster manager, along with a couple of the cluster’s board members — Jacky Fox, Cyber & IT Forensic Lead at Deloitte, and Pat Larkin, CEO at Ward Solutions.

During our conversation, we explore the role of cybersecurity in Ireland and Ireland’s role on the European and global cybersecurity stage. We’re at a critical point in time when it comes to cyber talent and cyber skills - and the Cyber Ireland cluster is gearing up to address this challenge head on with collaboration amongst industry, academia, and government.

Before we get into our chat with the board, we get to hear from David Stanton, TD — Minister of State at Department of Justice and Equality in Ireland, as he officially opens the launch.

Listen in and enjoy!

(L-R) Dr. Eoin Byrne, Cyber Ireland’s cluster manager | Jacky Fox, Cyber & IT Forensic Lead at Deloitte | Pat Larkin, CEO at Ward Solutions | Sean Martin, Editor-in-Chief at ITSPmagazine

(L-R) Dr. Eoin Byrne, Cyber Ireland’s cluster manager | Jacky Fox, Cyber & IT Forensic Lead at Deloitte | Pat Larkin, CEO at Ward Solutions | Sean Martin, Editor-in-Chief at ITSPmagazine

Photo Gallery From The Launch

A Few Tweets From The Event