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Data Privacy Day 2020 | Industry Perspectives Panel: Going Beyond Privacy Compliance

ITSPmagazine is an official media partner for the 2020 Data Privacy Day event in San Francisco; our second year dedicated to connecting information security and privacy with society, the way we live our lives, and the way we do our jobs.

In this panel, industry experts will delve into ways to not only comply with current regulations, but how to prepare for future laws and make protecting customers’ data a top priority.


  • Sean Martin, CISSP, Editor-in-Chief, ITSPmagazine


  • Kristina Bergman, CEO and Founder, Integris Software

  • John Gevertz, Chief Privacy Officer, Visa

  • Ben Moskowitz, Director, Digital Lab, Consumer Reports

  • Kalinda Raina, Vice President, Head of Privacy, LinkedIn

An NCSA Event | Data Privacy Day 2020 | A Vision for the Future

ITSPmagazine is an official media partner for the 2020 Data Privacy Day event in San Francisco; our second year dedicated to connecting information security and privacy with society, the way we live our lives, and the way we do our jobs. ITSPmagazine coverage will include podcasts, articles, and photos. Follow all our adventures in San Francisco.

IRISSCERT Cyber Crime Conference (IRISSCON) 2019 | Dublin, Ireland

By Sean Martin

I was at IRISSCON in Dublin to join the conversation. While I was there, I took some pictures and captured a recap podcast with: Brian Honan, IRISSCERT; Dan Raywood, Infosecurity Magazine; Emma Heffernan, Student & Part-Time Security Analyst; Jenny Radcliffe, The People Hacker; and Thom Langford, (TL)2 Security.

The group provides a quick recap on the key takeaways from the conference, some thoughts on the state of cybersecurity in the region, and other things on their mind (evidently rugby is big thing… 😬).

We have a few laughs as well. Go ahead. Have a listen. You know you want to. You must hear Thom’s Darth Vader voice, if nothing else.

ADDO | All Day Dev Ops 2019 | A Conversation With Derek Weeks And Mark Miller

If you do not know about ADDO, yet, this is the right time to learn about it and be part of this borderless online event.

All Day DevOps is the world's largest DevOps conference, bringing together over 30,000 DevOps professionals. It offers 150 expert-led sessions over 24 hours across 5 tracks - all online, all for free. 

As a media partner for this event, we spoke with the founders and organizers, Mark Miller and Derek Weeks. During our chat, Mark and Derek gave us a brief view of the history of the event, the success it's had, what's coming up for this year's series of talks, and how people can engage — right from the comfort of their couch if they choose.

We enjoyed the conversation. Have a listen!

The State of Cybersecurity: Securing Continuous Connections — A NCSA and Nasdaq CyberSecurity Summit

ITSPmagazine is thrilled to support our strategic partners, the National Cyber Security Alliance, as they lead a full day event with some of the Nasdaq security leadership team at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York City.

This invite-only event, which takes place during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, explores today’s trending threats, how cybersecurity efforts are leveraging emerging technologies and what experts expect to see in the decade ahead.

Sean Martin was there for this one-of-a-kind event and was invited to lead two expert panels in the afternoon. Details for these sessions are included in this post.