Black Hat USA 2019 Event Coverage | A Conversation With Steve Wylie

Black Hat 2019 Event Coverage | A conversation with Steve Wylie.jpg

By Sean Martin &  Marco Ciappelli

During our Hacker Summer Camp 2019 coverage in Las Vegas, we connect with keynote speakers, presenters, panelists, organizers, and the InfoSec community to keep the conversation going. This is one of those chats.

ITSPmagazine event coverage, podcasts, webcasts, articles, and all our happenings before, during, and following Hacker Summer Camp 2019 in Las Vegas is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors. We are ever so grateful for your support.

Black Hat USA 2019 was a huge success — again. Toward the end of the conference, Sean and Marco connect with Black Hat General Manager, Steve Wylie, to have him give us an overview of what happened throughout the week of trainings, briefings, and summits.