Sharing a Cryptographic Sandwich with the DevOps and SecOps Community | A SandboxAQ Brand Story with Marc Manzano

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Marc Manzano, Senior Director at SandboxAQ

In this Brand Story podcast episode, host Sean Martin is joined by guest Marc Manzano from SandboxAQ. They explore the importance of future-proofing cryptography and the emerging field of quantum-resistant cryptography.

Application Security Posture Management | Beyond the Hamster Wheel: Innovations in App Security | A Brand Story Conversation from Black Hat USA 2023 | A Brinqa Story with Alex Babar

Brand Story conversation with Sean Martin and Alex Babar from Brinqa

In this Brand Story podcast episode, as part of our Black Hat USA conference coverage, host Sean Martin connects with Alex Babar. Alex introduces listeners to Brinqa, a platform that centralizes vulnerability and security findings across various domains, such as infrastructure and cloud security, emphasizing the relevance of application security.

Taking an Intelligence-Driven Approach to Security Operations | A Brand Story Conversation from Black Hat USA 2023 | A Cyware Story with Willy Leichter

Brand Story conversation with Sean Martin and Willy Leichter from Cyware

In this Brand Story podcast episode, as part of our Black Hat USA conference coverage, host Sean Martin connects with Willy Leichter as he sheds light on his extensive experience spanning over 24 years in the security realm. With a keen focus on cyclical patterns of security, he underscores the unique position of Cyware, a brand that has worked assiduously to bridge silos across industries. While discussing the broader vision of threat intelligence, he underscores its potential in predicting and mitigating attacks proactively.

The Art of Attack—Enhancing Defense Strategies: Unleashing the Power of Autonomous Pen Testing | A Brand Story Conversation from Black Hat USA 2023 | An Story with Snehal Antani

Brand Story conversation with Sean Martin and Snehal Antani, Co-Founder & CEO at

In this Their Story podcast episode, as part of our Black Hat USA conference coverage, host Sean Martin connects with Snehal Antani to discuss proactive security and autonomous pentesting. Snehal shares his expertise on the importance of blue teams proactively verifying their security posture and fixing exploitable vulnerabilities on their own terms and timeline. He emphasizes the need for a bias for action and highlights the value of offense informing defense.

Disrupting Cyber Communications With Adversary Infrastructure Platform | A Brand Story Conversation from Black Hat USA 2023 | A HYAS Story with David Ratner

Brand Story conversation with Sean Martin and David Ratner, the CEO at HYAS

In this Brand Story podcast episode, as part of our Black Hat USA conference coverage, host Sean Martin connects with David Ratner to discuss the innovative approach of the Adversary Infrastructure Platform to cybersecurity. The platform focuses on understanding and disrupting communication between attackers and their command and control infrastructure, allowing for quicker detection and response to attacks. It can even identify and shut down masked communication attempts.

Unleashing End-User Productivity Through Secure Browsing: What is the Enterprise Browser? | A Their Story Conversation from Black Hat USA 2023 | An Story with Brian Kenyon

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Island’s Chief Strategy Officer, Brian Kenyon

In this Their Story podcast episode, as part of our Black Hat USA conference coverage, hosts Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli connect with Brian Kenyon, the Chief Strategy Officer at Island, to unpack the intricate world of enterprise browsers. Together, they explore the pressing need for robust web security and the challenges that orbit it. As the conversation unfurls, they navigate the evolution of browsers, their pivotal role in today's work operations, and how modern frameworks like Chromium have replaced relics like Flash and Silverlight, simplifying web backend and significantly enhancing a consistent user experience.

Building a Better Defense with Attack Surface Management | A Company Briefing from Infosecurity Europe 2023, London, England | A NetSPI Company Briefing Story with Nabil Hannan

Their Story Conversation With Sean Martin And NetSPI’s Nabil Hannan

Live on-location from Infosecurity Europe 2023, Sean Martin connects with Nabil Hannan, the field CISO at NetSPI, to discuss Attack Surface Management (ASM) and how it has evolved in recent years to become the minimum cybersecurity benchmark that organizations need.

Active Directory Resilience: Managing Permissions to Prevent Cybersecurity Threats | A Company Briefing from Infosecurity Europe 2023, London | A Quest Software Company Briefing with Chris Thorpe

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Quest Software’s Chris Thorpe

Live on-location from Infosecurity Europe 2023, Sean Martin connects with Chris Thorpe from Quest Software to discuss operational and AD resilience and how organizations can manage permissions to prevent cybersecurity threats.

Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Making Better IT Decisions Through the Lens of an Attacker | A Company Briefing from Infosecurity Europe 2023 | A Cymulate Story with Nir Loya

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Cymulate’s Nir Loya

Live on-location from Infosecurity Europe 2023, Sean Martin connects with Nir Loya from Cymulate to discuss the launch of their new solution for organizations to run an informed continuous threat exposure management (CTEM) program.

The Meaning of Operational Resilience: What Cybersecurity Leaders Can Learn From IT and Infrastructure Ops | From Infosecurity Europe 2023 | A Semperis Company Briefing with Simon Hodgkinson

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Former BP CISP and current Semperis Advisor, Simon Hodgkinson

Live on-location from Infosecurity Europe 2023, Sean Martin connects with Simon Hodgkinson, former CISO for BP, to discuss a range of cybersecurity topics surrounding the concept of operational resilience.

Helping Security Teams Achieve More By Doing Less Through Automated Security Validation | A Company Briefing from Infosecurity Europe 2023, London | A Pentera Company Briefing Story with Steve Smith

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Pentera’s CMO, Aviv Cohen

Testing in production-like environments, utilizing automation, and focusing on testing at speed and scale, Pentera can identify critical risks and develop a comprehensive view of a company's security posture. As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, companies require a proactive approach to reducing risk and improving security posture. Listen to discover how Pentera's unique approach to cyber security testing and validation is helping companies protect their business.

Why Current Security Tools Don't Address ‘Zero-Day’ Exploits | A Company Briefing from Infosecurity Europe 2023, London, England | An Ericom Software Company Briefing Story with Ravi Pather

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin with Ericom

With the increase in cyber attacks, companies need to invest more in securing their data and infrastructure. One type of security architecture that can help in this situation is isolation-based security. In this article, we discuss the benefits of isolation-based security for remote workforces, including preventing zero-day exploits, seamless user experience, and secure supply chain interactions. By implementing isolation-based security measures, businesses can create a secure environment for remote workers and prevent cyber threats.

See All of Your Security Findings in One Place. Act on Them Precisely. | A Collection of Brinqa Stories from RSA Conference 2023

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Brinqa executives

Brinqa specializes in advanced vulnerability risk management, helping organizations manage findings and vulnerabilities across their diverse security tools. The Brinqa platform consolidates and analyzes data from multiple sources, enabling businesses to prioritize and communicate risks to relevant stakeholders. By fostering a more mature and cohesive approach to cybersecurity, Brinqa empowers organizations to align security strategies with their overall business objectives.

Join us here for a collection of stories from the Brinqa team.

Securing the Modern Business Riddled with Legacy Technology | Protecting Active Directory On-Premises and Azure AD in the Cloud | A Semperis Story with Guido Grillenmeier and Daniel Lattimer

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli and Semperis

As more companies adopt cloud technology, syncing Active Directory and Azure AD data between on-premises and cloud-based directories can become necessary but comes with risks. In this article, we discuss some of the most common mistakes made by organizations when syncing directory services and share practical tips on how to avoid them. Learn from Daniel Lattimer and Guido Grillenmeier from Semperis on the importance of assessing directory security posture, evaluating cloud security controls, implementing proper monitoring and detection rules, and establishing clear responsibilities and ownership.

Anticipating The Next Decade of Bot-Enabled Threats | Exploring 10 Years of Imperva Bad Bot Reports | An Imperva Story With Karl Triebes

A Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and Imperva

Advanced bots are becoming increasingly difficult to detect and defend against, leaving organizations vulnerable to attacks that can compromise sensitive data and personal information of customers. In this blog post, we explore key measures that organizations can take to protect themselves against bot attacks, including implementing an API security strategy, adopting a layered security approach, utilizing effective technologies like AI, and implementing best practices.

The Fog of More, the Risk of Cybersecurity Commoditization, and the Race to the Bottom | A Their Story Conversation from RSA Conference 2023 | A Schellman Story with Michael Parisi

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Michael Parisi from Schellman

Michael Parisi and Sean Martin discuss the challenges of compliance, cybersecurity, and the risk of commoditization. They explore the role of stakeholders and the need for education among non-technical individuals to prevent a race to the bottom in cybersecurity.

Stronger Together: The Power of Relationships in Defending the Digital Lives of Executives | A Their Story Conversation from RSA Conference 2023 | A BlackCloak Story with Chris Pierson

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin, Marco Ciappelli, and BlackCloak CEO and founder, Chris Pierson.

Digital executive protection has become top of mind for many cybersecurity leaders and their business owners. Chris Pierson, the founder of BlackCloak, discusses relationships and human empathy in cybersecurity with Marco Ciappelli and Sean Martin as he unveils BlackCloak's innovative new CISO Protection Dashboard.

How AI and NLP are Transforming Third Party Risk Assessment | A Their Story Conversation from RSA Conference 2023 | A VISO TRUST Story with Paul Valente and Russell Sherman

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Paul Valente and Russell Sherman from VISO TRUST

Explore the innovative approach to third-party cyber risk assessments with Paul Valente and Russell Sherman, as they share their journey of creating a cutting-edge platform that revolutionizes the traditional process, using AI and NLP to save time, reduce friction, and build trust.

Protecting Data in a Post-Modern World: The Evolving World of APIs, Regulations, and Advanced Technology | Imperva Stories From RSA Conference 2023 with Pam Murphy (CEO) and Kunal Anand (CTO and CISO)

A pair of Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Imperva executives, Pam Murphy (CEO) and Kunal Anand (CTO and CISO).

In an increasingly interconnected world where information is critical to business success, organizations face numerous challenges and threats to their data. From the growing prevalence of APIs and shadow APIs, to navigating the ever-evolving regulatory landscape, organizations must stay abreast of the latest developments in cybersecurity. As technology continues to advance, incorporating AI-driven solutions and modernizing security frameworks becomes crucial in order to protect valuable information.

Balancing their responsibilities, CEOs, CTOs and CISOs must communicated and collaborate to carefully assess their risk management and security solutions based on time to value and total cost of ownership. By leveraging the expertise of security enablers like Imperva, businesses can successfully navigate the postmodern paradigm shift in cybersecurity and secure their digital assets in a rapidly changing landscape.

Join is for two conversations that will make you think differently about how you protect your data at every turn, in every form, and every location.

Maximizing Security in Hybrid Active Directory Environments | A Their Story Conversation from RSA Conference 2023 | A Quest Story with Sergey Medved and Matthew Vinton

Their Story conversation with Sean Martin and Matthew Vinton and Sergey Medved from Quest

In this Their Story conversation Matthew Vinton and Sergey Medved from Quest discuss the challenges that organizations face in securing Active Directory (AD), covering the importance of keeping on top of legacy AD systems.