Alyssa Miller

Alyssa Miller

Host, Securing Bridges Podcast


As a hacker, Alyssa Miller has a passion for security which she evangelizes to business leaders and industry audiences both through her work as a cyber security professional and through her various public speaking engagements. She blends a unique mix of technical expertise and executive presence to bridge the gap that can often form between security practitioners and business leaders. Her goal is to change the way we look at the security of our interconnected way of life and focus attention on defending privacy and cultivating trust.

Alyssa has always had a driving curiosity to understand how technology works and how existing technologies can be hacked to function in new ways. At the young age of 12, Alyssa got her start by taking a job as a paper carrier to save up enough money to buy her first computer. From the time she brought that computer home from Best Buy, she has taught herself new skills and pushed the capabilities of digital technologies.

About The Securing Bridges Podcast

A live stream podcast hosted by Alyssa Miller

Listen in as Alyssa sits down with senior and executive security leaders from various industries to share stories of successes and failures we experience working across business teams. Explore practical strategies for building sponsorship and gaining buy-in for security initiatives. It's time to build and secure the bridge to the business.