Answer the Questions Fundamental to a Modern Security and Resilience | 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine | A Short Brand Innovation Story From RSA Conference | A Mitiga Story with Ariel Parnes

Today organizations have a large part of their environment outside of their control. They have authentication, email, data, code—some organizations have the majority of their most important assets in cloud and SaaS applications. And yet the security team does not have effective tooling to investigate across this surface.

So when a complex breach unfolds, an organization can find themselves scrambling. Why?

The first problem is cloud scale. The amount of telemetry that is produced daily across this surface is extraordinary. The security tooling a team would use is not appropriate for the sheer volume of data that needs to be collected.

The second problem is cloud complexity. Correlating cloud data into contextual alerts and insights that teams can act on is a massive task that requires deep understanding of each environment—which leads into the third problem:

Most teams lack cloud expertise—and the DevOps teams they often turn to for cloud knowledge lack security expertise. Nobody is holding all the cards when it comes to detecting, investigating and responding to threats.

We have spent years building a comprehensive solution that addresses the challenges facing modern SOC teams and the transforming enterprises they're tasked with securing. It distills our knowledge to elevate their cloud security capacity and capabilities. So the now SecOps can have broad visibility across clouds and SaaS—because our solution harvests all the needed telemetry and stores it for years for a minimal cost.

When an incident happens, they can easily answer the questions that are fundamental to a modern organization’s security and resilience: Did anyone get in? Where did they go? What did they do while inside? What did they take? —because our Cloud Attack Scenario Library filled with the latest intelligence to root out cloud and SaaS threats.

And they'll possess the speed of Mitiga's automation—to dramatically accelerate detection, investigation and response—minimizing impact.

With Mitiga, the SOC is well equipped to deal with cloud threats.

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Note: This story contains promotional content. Learn more.

Guest: Ariel Parnes, COO and Co-Founder at Mitiga

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